Discover How The 3-Pillar Communication Course
Free Training Can Help.
What Are Others Saying About This Innovative Course
“After taking this course, I learned how to honor my partnership with my horse; being gentler and adjusting my energy level to keep a nice partnership as opposed to being a type A person and coming aggressively.”
~ Elaine~
"She is in heat and I thought here we go…. she was going to be the stereotypical thoroughbred…..but it was amazing!! She calmed down right away! I am hungry to learn more. It was amazing to see how she went from high-headed, high energy to a very relaxed calm state by just using the 3 basic pillars. I think this was a TRANSFORMATION for her and myself!!”
~ Mel ~
“It was so inspiring to see people working with softness and cooperation vs. the more traditional way of “telling” my horse. It has helped me with my journey of cooperating with my horse as opposed to telling them. It also helped my attitude. It was amazing to see the interaction between the horse and human and how the horse softened and how the human softened and feedback between the two and it was subconscious. There was a huge change from the beginning when it was chaotic but then the horse understood what I was asking for and was very calm at the end.”
~ Shelly ~
“It reminded me how effective the groundwork can be. Also, her place in the herd has changed over the past year and she has taken a more dominant role in her herd. But using these three 3 pillars allowed me to have an AMAZING re-connection with her!! It was so neat to be able to reconnect with her that way.”
~ Lianne ~
What if you could have every day with your horse, without fear and frustration? Believe that you can with this approach that replaces what you are doing now with new ideas that will make it easier for you to understand your horse and for your horse to understand you.
You are right here where you should be!
Maybe you are looking for ways to develop a relationship based on trust, understanding and a common language.
Maybe you are looking for ways to build a stronger bond with your horse built on Team Leadership by knowing how to ask your horse rather than making or letting.
Maybe you would like to understand how important to your horse it is that you to define the boundearies of space without making him feel wrong.
Maybe you would like your horse to be able to see you as the Team Leader who he turns to for safety and direction instead of pulling away or running into you.
Maybe you would you like to feel safer around your horse by having some new "tools in your toolbox" to draw from when things go wrong.
We are so sure you will succeed we are backing the course up with a
14 day Moneyback Guarantee
It's your turn to develop the relationship with your horse that
you have always dreamed about .
... your investment in your horse will also include
But First... a Word
This course WILL NOT be beneficial for you...... if:
the relationship with your horse is NOT your most important priority
you just want to get a quick fix or a band-aid solution
you don’t have the time to devote the practice, knowledge, and energy to make this work
don't want to see things from your horse's point of view and help him to understand
you are not willing to make changes in yourself
you train with food reinforcement or use clicker training
This Course IS PERFECT for you......if:
you want to understand how a horse thinks not how a human thinks
you are willing to work on yourself first so that your horse sees you as a partner and not a predator
you just bought a new horse and want to begin a new and better way to build a relationship
you have had a traumatic incident or fall and you have lost your confidence but don't want to give up your dream
you want to build a relationship built with your horse's wants and needs not yours
you have never had a horse before and would like to begin this journey as partners forever
you have never had anyone teach you how to work with horses so that you can keep safe
your horse is a rescue or was trained in a way that he has lost trust in humans and you want a better way for him
you are willing to invest the time and effort it takes to make this work
you want a bond with your horse that is built on trust, mutual respect and awareness
you have owned horses for many years but you have the feeling that something is missing and want to learn more.
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Exclusive Offer
50% off
Regular: $197 USD
Special price: $97 USD